Lead Paint Testing
Lead Paint Testing Professionals in Southern California: Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego.
We offer the following lead paint services
Lead Paint Sampling
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Our CDPH Certified Lead Paint Sampling Technicians can take a small paint chip sample from various areas to determine if lead paint is present and if additional contamination has occurred.
Lead Paint Inspections
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Our CDPH Lead Paint Inspector/Assessors can use inspection equipment such as the SciAps X-550 XRF Analyzer to determine if lead is present in paint, soil and dust.
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Lead Paint Testing
Homes in California built before 1978 will require lead paint testing before any home improvement project. Federal and state law dictates that a lead paint survey or paint sampling is required anytime paint is disturbed on a structure built before 1978. This is not a bad thing. Lead toxicity can cause a wide range of health and behavioral problems, most significantly in children.
If you are considering a small home improvement project, that much-needed kitchen or bathroom remodel or even an extensive new home addition, 3West Environmental can provide peace of mind for your next home improvement or commercial project. We make testing for lead-based paint easy and convenient for you.

Helpful Info
Learn more about real estate disclosure information, lead evaluation and removal, and laws and regulations by visiting the EPA’s website.
The dangers of lead-based paint.
Consumer uses of lead-based paint were banned by the federal government in 1978 but lead paint can still be found in millions of homes. If the paint is newer and in good condition, the lead paint is typically not a big concern, however, if the paint is peeling, cracked, chipped, damaged or contains moisture, this is a dangerous hazard that requires immediate attention.
Before being banned lead was prevalently used as a preservative and dessicant and was also used in plumbing solder, pipes, gasoline, batteries and cosmetics. Lead-based paint in small amounts is especially harmful to children since they absorb the toxins more easily that can cause nervous system damage, stunted growth, kidney damage, and delayed development.
Lead-based paint may also be a hazard when found on surfaces that children can chew or that get a lot of wear-and-tear, such as:
– Windows and window sills;
– Doors and door frames; and
– Stairs, railings, banisters, and porches.
Reducing lead paint exposure
A few tips to reduce sources of lead exposure in older homes and buildings:
– Inspect and keep all painted surfaces in excellent shape and clean up dust frequently with a wet cloth or paper towel.
– Consult a certified lead professional before beginning renovation, repair or painting projects. Renovation, repair or painting activities can create toxic lead dust when painted surfaces are disturbed or demolished.
– Avoid tracking lead dust into the home by wiping and removing shoes before entering the home and placing dust mats both inside and outside of entryways.
– Learn if you have a lead service line. Contact your water utility or a licensed plumber to determine if the pipe that connects your home to the water main (called a service line) is made from lead.
Should I test for lead-based paint in my home?
You should consider testing for lead if there are children in your home and:
Your house was built before 1978, or
Your house is near a freeway or busy roadway where leaded gasoline and its exhaust may have polluted the soil with lead.
If your house was built before 1978, it is especially important to test for lead if:
Your house has peeling or chipping paint.
Your house has bare soil in the yard where children play.
You plan to repaint, remodel, or renovate the house.
A child living in the house has had a blood lead test result indicating lead exposure.
Your house was built before 1950 – such homes almost always have some lead-based paint.
Lead Inspections with the SciAps X-550 XRF Analyzer
Our lead inspection services provide reliable, on-site testing for properties and facilities needing compliance with HUD, EPA, OSHA, and industrial safety standards. We utilize the SciAps X-550 XRF analyzer—a top-tier, portable device engineered for rigorous testing needs across various applications. This advanced analyzer is equipped with multiple modes, allowing us to offer accurate, efficient detection of lead in paint, soil, dust, and more.
Resources for more information about lead-based paint.
cdph.ca.gov – https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CCDPHP/DEODC/CLPPB/Pages/home_test.aspx
epa.gov – https://www.epa.gov/lead/protect-your-family-sources-lead#main-content
Other Services
Asbestos Surveys
When are asbestos surveys needed?
Anytime there will be a renovation or repair. Since the main asbestos regulations are related to worker safety, air quality, disposal of hazardous waste and local permits there will almost always be one of the regulations that are applicable. This can be confusing because of the overlap of regulations in Southern California.
Lead Paint Inspections
Do my painting projects need a lead paint test?
Lead is toxic and consequently causes health and behavioral problems, especially in children. Because of this, a lead paint survey or lead paint samples are necessary when paint is disturbed on a structure built before 1978.
Mold Inspections
Could I have mold in my home?
Mold can grow within 24-48 hours after a bad water incident, so getting a mold inspection is a great way to obtain a full evaluation of your home or building. We care about your peace of mind, so if you are concerned about the presence of mold or water damage, please call us today.