Los Angeles: 310-400-0195Orange County: 949-482-1357San Diego: 760-230-0798 info@3westenviro.com

Asbestos Testing in Los Angeles

Residential  & Commercial asbestos testing for Southern California: Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego


Asbestos Assessment in Los Angeles by 3West Environmental

3West Environmental has California State Certified Asbestos Consultants and Sampling Technicians to provide you with professional consulting and asbestos testing all over Los Angeles County. So contact us today to go over your specific needs.

You will need an asbestos survey before any kind of renovation or demolition in virtually all structures in Southern California. The main regulations are related to worker & public safety, air quality & emissions, disposal of hazardous waste and local permitting.

Consequently, a California Licensed Asbestos Abatement Contractor will need to do the work for any materials confirmed to contain asbestos to ensure proper handling and safe disposal of hazardous waste.

Call us at 310-400-0195 to learn more about asbestos testing in Los Angeles or fill out our online quote form.

We also provide provide referrals for asbestos abatement contractors.

We offer the following asbestos inspection services in Los Angeles

Limited Asbestos Sampling

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  • Asbestos testing is needed regardless of whether your city requires asbestos testing as part of the permit process.
  • Smaller jobs usually limited to 1-3 material types in a few areas.
  • These jobs are usually due to a renovation or mold remediation in specific areas.
  • Walls, ceiling or flooring are usually the extent of these small jobs.

Pre-Demolition Surveys

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  • Larger jobs where either a portion of the structure or the entire structure will be demolished.
  • These jobs usually have multiple material types involved, especially if it’s an older structure.
  • There are multiple Air Districts in California and each Air District has slightly different rules related to asbestos.
  • San Diego falls under SDAPCD and Rule 1206 deals with asbestos testing.
  • Los Angeles and Orange County fall under South Coast AQMD and Rule 1403.

Asbestos Clearance Inspection

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  • Performed after asbestos abatement to ensure no asbestos is remaining.
  • Includes air sampling to test the air quality.

Common Reasons for Asbestos Testing in Los Angeles

Our clients need environmental consulting for several reasons, including:

    • Environmental Health & Safety Programs
    • Whole building assessments
    • Mold Remediation – Mold damaged materials need to be removed.
    • Water Damage – Damaged materials need to be removed.
    • Leaking Pipes – The plumber needs to open the walls.
    • Slab Leak – Flooring, concrete and other affected materials need to be tested.
    • Re-pipe project
    • Renovations or repairs
    • Kitchen, bathroom, or other room remodeling projects
    • Removal of ceiling texture or “popcorn ceiling”
    • Soft-story retrofit
    • Partial or Complete Demolitions
    • Garage to ADU conversions
    • Balcony Safety (SB721 and SB326)
    • Procedure 5 Clean-Up Plans (disturbance of ACM)
    • SCAQMD Rule 1403 Notification
    • SCAQMD Rule 1403 Notice to Comply


What is Asbestos?

“Asbestos is a natural mineral fiber. Over the years asbestos was mined and used in many products that were utilized in and around our homes and buildings to provide insulation, strength and fire resistance. There are six types of asbestos. And the best way of locating and identifying them is through the use of specialized microscopes.


Asbestos can be traced back as far as the burial clothes of ancient Egyptians. Even so, it’s been fairly recent that the use of asbestos has been restricted (but not completely banned!) in the United States. Despite this, there are millions of homes and buildings with asbestos containing materials.

In some circumstances asbestos can lay dormant for many years posing no significant health danger. However, It is when the asbestos becomes airborne that it poses the real threat. This happens when the material is disturbed through construction, renovation or through decay and weathering.*

The Real Story of Asbestos

It seemed like a miracle stone, and eventually, the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians all started using it, too.

Health Effects of Asbestos Exposure

“Exposure to asbestos increases your risk of developing lung disease. That risk is made worse by smoking. In general, the greater the exposure to asbestos, the greater the chance of developing harmful health effects.

Disease symptoms may take many years to develop following exposure.


Asbestos-related conditions can be difficult to identify. Healthcare providers usually identify the possibility of asbestos exposure and related health conditions like lung disease by taking a thorough medical history. This includes looking at the person’s medical, work, cultural and environmental history.

After a doctor suspects an asbestos-related health condition, he or she can use a number of tools to help make the actual diagnosis. Some of these tools are physical examination, chest x-ray and pulmonary function tests. Your doctor may also refer you to a specialist who treats diseases caused by asbestos.” *

Contact us for asbestos testing in Los Angeles today.

Three of the major health effects associated with asbestos exposure are:

Lung Cancer

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Lungs with asbestos related diseases

Lungs with asbestos related diseases

“Lung cancer is often associated with some sort of exposure to toxic substances. The vast majority of cases are caused by smoking, but the second leading cause is exposure to radon. Though not nearly as many cases have been linked to asbestos exposure, research has suggested that asbestos-related lung c

ancer is more prevalent than we realize.

Asbestos exposure often occurs in the workplace, but it can also occur at home as a result of construction projects or deteriorating asbestos products or through secondhand exposure. No amount of asbestos exposure is considered safe, though researchers note that the duration of exposure puts people at a higher lung cancer risk. Once the asbestos is inhaled, our body is unable to remove the toxin and the asbestos fibers can cause damage over time and develop into asbestos cancer.


There are some misconceptions around mesothelioma and lung cancer. Many people confuse mesothelioma and lung cancer since the majority of mesothelioma cases affect the lungs. But malignant mesothelioma develops when the asbestos fibers scar and lead to tumors in the lining of the lungs, the mesothelium. Mesothelioma can also first develop in other parts of the body, like the abdominal cavity or lining of the heart. In cases of asbestos lung cancer, the fibers become lodged in the lung tissue, which can also cause irritation and scarring over time that can develop into tumors. Asbestos can cause any type and subset of lung cancer, including non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer.”

Click here for more info.


More Info

“Mesothelioma is a cancer caused by asbestos. It most commonly occurs in the linings of the lungs or the abdomen. The average life expectancy is 12 – 21 months after diagnosis, but prognosis may improve with treatment. Symptoms can include chest pain, shortness of breath and general fatigue.

Mesothelioma symptoms can take 10 – 50 years to emerge after initial exposure to asbestos. Symptoms are often mistaken for less serious illnesses, which can complicate early diagnosis. When symptoms present, patients should seek medical attention, as early detection may improve mesothelioma prognosis.”

Click here for more info.


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“Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers. Prolonged exposure to these fibers can cause lung tissue scarring and shortness of breath. Asbestosis symptoms can range from mild to severe, and usually don’t appear until many years after continued exposure.

Asbestos is a natural mineral product that’s resistant to heat and corrosion. It was used extensively in the past in products such as insulation, cement and some floor tiles.

Most people with asbestosis acquired it on the job before the federal government began regulating the use of asbestos and asbestos products in the 1970s. Today, its handling is strictly regulated. Acquiring asbestosis is extremely unlikely if you follow your employer’s safety procedures. Treatment focuses on relieving your symptoms.”

Click here for more info.

To Provide Information on Possible Sources of Asbestos in Los Angeles

Asbestos Surveys

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have an Asbestos survey prior to a demolition or a renovation?

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Yes, An asbestos survey report is required prior to any demolition and/or renovation

My house was built in the 1980s or later and I know it has no asbestos; do I still need to have it surveyed?

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Yes. Regardless of the date of the building construction, and because of potential unknown renovations, Rule 1403(d)(1)(A) requires an asbestos survey report prior to any demolition or renovation to determine and verify the absence or presence of asbestos.

Should I be worried if there is Asbestos in my building?

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If the building material in question is not damaged or “friable,” then the asbestos fibers will not be able to “aerosolize” or become an air-borne particulate. The asbestos will be encapsulated in the building material and will not pose a health hazard. For this reason, most old houses and buildings do not pose an asbestos-related health hazard to the occupants if you just move in and live there. If the asbestos fibers are not likely to become air-borne, then you are safe.

How do I know if I have asbestos in my building (in floor tile, ceiling tile, shingles, siding, etc.)?

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The only way to be sure whether a material contains asbestos is to have it tested by a certified asbestos consultant. Always test suspect materials if they are damaged (fraying, crumbling) or if you are planning a demolition or a renovation that would disturb the suspect material. Samples should be taken by a properly trained and accredited asbestos professional (inspector).

I’m doing a demolition or a renovation, the City didn’t ask about asbestos. Do I still need an Asbestos survey?

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Yes, An asbestos survey report is required prior to any demolition and renovation

What’s the difference between PCM & TEM Analysis for Asbestos Air Samples?

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The short answer is that PCM analysis checks for asbestos AND non-asbestos fibers while TEM analysis checks for asbestos specific fibers.

The industry standard (unless it’s a school) is to use PCM air sampling first.
If the total fiber count detected is less than 0.01 fibers per cubic centimeter then the area has passed.
If the PCM air sample is greater than 0.01 fibers/cc then TEM analysis is recommended to check for asbestos specific fibers.

Why not do the TEM analysis first?
This is an option; however, due to the price difference most people decide to only proceed with the TEM analysis, if needed.

Talk to our friendly team to learn more details on asbestos air sampling.

What materials can have asbestos?

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There are many materials in a structure that can possibly have asbestos, but it’s not necessarily an issue unless those materials are damaged or will be disturbed due to a renovation.

The “usual suspects” for Asbestos Containing Materials are:

  • “Popcorn Ceiling” (Spray-Applied Acoustical Material)
  • Ceilings (With or without “Popcorn”)
  • Walls (Plaster, Drywall, etc.)
  • Flooring (Linoleum, Vinyl, Tile, etc.)
  • Exterior Stucco
  • Roofing Components
  • Insulation/Ductwork
  • Many more…

These are also called “Suspect ACM” for short.

If these materials will be disturbed due to a renovation then they need to be tested for resident safety, worker protection and disposal purposes.

The list of suspect ACM (Asbestos Containing Material) is so extensive that it basically means most building products need to be tested.

What is the 3-5-7 Rule?

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Current regulations mandate a specific number of samples for each distinct or “homogeneous” material type.

The general guideline follows the 3, 5, 7 rule:

  • Less than 1,000 square feet of the suspect material: 3 samples
  • Between 1,000 and 5,000 square feet of the suspect material: 5 samples
  • More than 5,000 square feet of the suspect material: 7 samples

For instance, if there is less than 1,000 square feet of popcorn ceiling, only 3 samples would be required, and so on.

The regulations actually recommend 9 samples per material type (and sometimes less), see EPA Pink Book and here. But local AQMD regulations unofficially enforce a minimum of 3 per material type (see bottom of page 14 here).

What is a Procedure 5 Plan?

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Procedure 5 Plans are required to clean-up any disturbed Asbestos Containing Materials and any associated contents or materials.

In compliance with SCAQMD Rule 1403, a Procedure 5 clean-up is recommended due to damaged ACM materials. A Procedure 5 clean-up plan must be written by a CAC and approved by the SCAQMD prior to any renovation, abatement, or clean-up efforts. It is recommended that the areas not be occupied or any materials or contents be removed prior to clean-up.

South Coast AQMD (www.aqmd.gov) is the local air quality management district for LA and OC which establishes the guidelines for Procedure 5 Plans.
3West Environmental, Inc. is able to prepare a Procedure 5 Plan upon request.

Please click this AQMD link for more information.

Other Services

Asbestos Surveys

When are asbestos surveys needed?

Anytime there will be a renovation or repair. Since the main asbestos regulations are related to worker safety, air quality, disposal of hazardous waste and local permits there will almost always be one of the regulations that are applicable. This can be confusing because of the overlap of regulations in Southern California.


Lead Paint Inspections

Do my painting projects need a lead paint test?

Lead is toxic and consequently causes health and behavioral problems, especially in children. Because of this, a lead paint survey or lead paint samples are necessary when paint is disturbed on a structure built before 1978.


Mold Inspections

Could I have mold in my home?

Mold can grow within 24-48 hours after a bad water incident, so getting a mold inspection is a great way to obtain a full evaluation of your home or building. We care about your peace of mind, so if you are concerned about the presence of mold or water damage, please call us today.



Industry Experience

3West Enviro has 30+ years of collective experience, so we have the knowledge you need. We can help you understand the process and also help you make the right decision regarding your mold, asbestos or lead paint concerns.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our goal is to provide the highest quality work, so if you later find any report errors, please let us know and we'll make it right.

Personalized Expertise

Our experienced and friendly team performs the highest quality inspections and additionally, we always give personalized attention to our clients.

Happy Customer Reviews!

"Tim was fantastic! He was very thorough and quick. His expertise in his field provided extra insights on overall cost savings and gave us peace of mind to know what we needed to repair."

Tom A


"We are so grateful to the team at 3West! Tim performed multiple mold tests until our restoration cleared. They were all so great to work with and were kind, helpful, informative, and professional, so we highly recommend their services!"

Blair B
