Los Angeles: 310-400-0195Orange County: 949-482-1357San Diego: 760-230-0798 info@3westenviro.com

Request a Quote


Request a Quote

Please use the form below for a faster response to request a quote or schedule an inspection. One of our associates will get back to you right away.

If you need a different day/time than what is showing or have any other questions please put your request in the notes. The dates and times shown are not guaranteed unless confirmed by our office.

Please make sure to add as many notes as possible to describe your situation. You can also contact us at 310-400-0195 (all of California).


Industry Experience

3West Enviro has 30+ years of collective experience, so we have the knowledge you need. We can help you understand the process and also help you make the right decision regarding your mold, asbestos or lead paint concerns.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our goal is to provide the highest quality work, so if you later find any report errors, please let us know and we'll make it right.

Personalized Expertise

Our experienced and friendly team performs the highest quality inspections and additionally, we always give personalized attention to our clients.

Happy Customer Reviews!

"Tim was fantastic! He was very thorough and quick. His expertise in his field provided extra insights on overall cost savings and gave us peace of mind to know what we needed to repair."

Tom A


"We are so grateful to the team at 3West! Tim performed multiple mold tests until our restoration cleared. They were all so great to work with and were kind, helpful, informative, and professional, so we highly recommend their services!"

Blair B
