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Air Sampling for Mold Inspections

Air Sampling for Mold Inspections

  • Air Sampling for Mold Inspections

    by Nick Gromicko, CMI® and Ethan Ward

    During a mold inspection, taking air samples is crucial for several reasons. Mold spores aren’t visible to the naked eye, and laboratory analysis of air samples can identify the types of mold present. Analyzing these samples also helps determine the scope and severity of a mold problem and assess human exposure to mold spores. After remediation, inspectors usually take new samples to confirm that all mold has been removed.

    Air samples provide data about mold spores inside a house. Inspectors use a pump to force air through a collection device that captures mold spores. They then send the sample to a laboratory for analysis. Many InterNACHI inspectors use air sampling during mold inspections, making it a standard practice.

    Air-Sampling Devices

    Several devices collect air samples for mold analysis, including:

    • Impaction samplers that use a calibrated air pump to deposit spores onto a microscope slide.
    • Cassette samplers, which may be disposable or single-use, and use forced air to deposit spores onto a collection medium.
    • Airborne-particle collectors that capture spores directly on a culture dish, useful for identifying specific mold species.

    When to Sample

    Taking samples is most beneficial if visual inspection reveals apparent mold growth or conditions that could lead to mold, such as moisture intrusion or water damage. Musty odors can also indicate mold presence. Even if no visible signs are present, one or two indoor air samples may be taken at the inspector’s and client’s discretion, focusing on the most frequently used room and the HVAC unit.

    Outdoor air samples are typically collected for comparison with indoor samples. Gathering two outdoor samples—one from the windward side and one from the leeward side of the house—provides a clearer picture of what might enter the home through open windows and doors. For the most accurate comparison, take outdoor samples as close in time as possible to the indoor samples.

    Inspectors should avoid sampling if a resident is under medical care for mold exposure, if litigation regarding mold is ongoing, or if sampling could compromise the inspector’s health or safety. Residential inspectors should also refrain from sampling in commercial or public buildings.

    Where to Sample and Ideal Conditions

    In areas suspected or confirmed to have mold growth, take air samples to verify and gather more information. Common reasons for sampling include moisture intrusion, water damage, musty odors, visible mold growth, or conditions favorable to mold. Position the collection device 3 to 6 feet off the ground in the center of the room.

    Allow the air pump to run for ten minutes for most samples. If significant indoor activity could affect results, reduce the sampling time to around five minutes. If there is an active dust source, such as ongoing construction, consider reducing the time further.

    Conduct sampling in livable spaces under closed conditions to stabilize the air and ensure reproducibility. Keep windows and exterior doors shut during sampling, except for normal entry and exit. Switch off air exchangers (excluding the furnace) or fans that exchange indoor and outdoor air.

    Weather conditions can impact data accuracy. Severe thunderstorms or strong winds can affect sampling results by altering air pressure differences between indoors and outdoors, which can skew airborne mold-spore concentrations. High winds or rapid barometric pressure changes can draw more spores inside, distorting sample results.

    Difficulties and Practicality of Air Sampling

    Consider air sampling as just one tool in the mold inspection process. It alone cannot confirm or refute the existence of a mold problem. Combine air sampling with visual inspections and other methods, such as surface samples, for a comprehensive assessment. Indoor spore levels can fluctuate, potentially skewing results if sampling is not conducted correctly. Additionally, since air samples capture only spores and may damage them during collection, identifying mold types can be more challenging compared to tape or cultured samples.

    Air samples serve well as a background screen to detect large, undiscovered mold sources. They can reveal intact chains of spores, which usually break apart as they travel. A sample showing intact chains might indicate nearby, undiscovered mold.

    In summary, when performed under controlled conditions and properly analyzed, air samples can help compare relative particle levels between problem areas and control areas. They are also crucial for assessing particle levels and air quality before and after mold remediation.

Mold Inspections

5 Reasons to Do a Professional Mold Inspection After Water Damage

5 Reasons to Do a Professional Mold Inspection After Water Damage

Homeowners dread water damage because of the terrible outcomes that occur if they cannot handle it appropriately. Water damage arises due to several reasons. It can be from an overflowing sink, damaged plumbing, broken window, flooding from natural disasters, or a leaking roof. Sometimes, the water damage may be visible. Other times, it may hide from plain sight. The problem arises when water damage is hard to detect until it becomes extensive, destroying the ceilings, walls, and floors.  At this late stage, the repairs will be time-consuming and expensive. Depending on the extent of the water, you may need to dry out the contents or replace them entirely. However, performing water damage restoration is not the complete solution. There is another critical situation you need to tackle. That brings us to the mold inspection. Molds are present in every environment, but they do not grow until they have a favorable condition to thrive. Water damage in a home provides a suitable environment for mold growth: moisture and humidity.  Once there is water damage in a property, mold can start growing after 24 hours. However, this initial phase will not be visible to the naked eye. You may only notice it after several weeks. By then, the mold growth will be extensive. So, if you have a long-term case of water damage, there is a high possibility that you have mold on your property.  It is for this reason that you need to act immediately and schedule a mold inspection. But why should you have a mold inspection after water damage? Pinnacle Management brings you some of the reasons why:

1. Mold can hide in your HVAC system

Mold can hide in your HVAC system, especially if the water damage was due to major flooding. During flooding, water intrudes the entire home, including the HVAC system. This dirty water transmits mold spores and bacteria that penetrate the HVAC system to hide within the inner compartments and it will also reduce your AC efficiency. Unless you are a professional, assessing and identifying this may be a difficult task. So, it would be better to schedule a professional mold inspection.

2. Molds are visibly ugly

During the initial phase of mold growth, you may not see them physically. That doesn’t mean molds are not present after the water damage. But over time, the colony will expand. By this time, you will start noticing visible signs of mold growth. Sometimes you may think that they are only soot or dirt. However, a professional mold inspection will clearly show that you have mold growing on your property.  Molds can damage the home’s aesthetic appeal to the extent that homeowners will be ashamed of inviting guests to their homes. When molds become visible on your property, selling the house may be difficult.  If you succeed in finding a buyer, you may sell it at a cheaper amount. That is because buyers do not find mold-infested properties attractive. So, it is essential to have a mold inspection after water damage if you what to avoid these scenarios.

3. Molds have a terrible smell

Molds have a specific, unpleasant odor that signifies they are growing in a home. Sometimes, it may be difficult to see the molds, but you can notice them. If you have a case of hidden mold after water damage, tracing the source of the unpleasant odor may be difficult. However, performing a professional mold inspection on your property will detect the origin of the unpleasant smell. These experts have the necessary tools, training, and expertise to locate mold and unpleasant odors.

4. Molds constitute a health risk

You do not want mold on your property. If molds are growing in your home, you may have the following symptoms: cough, phlegm, sneezing, chronic tiredness, watery eyes, hoarseness, difficulty breathing, and wheezing. Mold can trigger allergies or asthma attacks. Those who have a higher risk of these adverse health conditions are:

  • Infants
  • Children
  • Elderly
  • Pregnant women
  • Immunocompromised patients
  • People with existing respiratory diseases such as asthma and allergies

If you have a case of water damage on your property, the best way to protect your health is by inviting professionals to inspect for molds.

5. Identify additional sources of moisture

After water damage, other sources of mold may exist that homeowners can’t locate. Professional mold inspectors do not only search for molds, but they uncover other possible causes of the problem that homeowners may not have known. By doing this, you prevent recurrent cases of water damage and molds in your home.

The bottom line

To be sure that you are through with repairing water damage in your home, you need to invite 3West Environmental to provide a professional mold inspection. Since water damage and mold growth go hand-in-hand, a professional mold inspection will help you prevent future cases of water damage.

Call 3West Environmental today at 833-3WESTCA to schedule your comprehensive mold inspection or contact us for more information.

Article by: Pinnacle Management

Air Sampling for Mold Inspections

Air Sampling for Mold Inspections

Taking air samples during a mold inspection is important for several reasons.  Mold spores are not visible to the naked eye, and the types of mold present can often be determined through laboratory analysis of the air samples.  Having samples analyzed can also help provide evidence of the scope and severity of a mold problem, as well as aid in assessing human exposure to mold spores.  After remediation, new samples are typically taken to help ensure that all mold has been successfully removed.

Air samples can be used to gather data about mold spores present in the interior of a house.  These samples are taken by using a pump that forces air through a collection device which catches mold spores.  The sample is then sent off to a laboratory to be analyzed.  InterNACHI inspectors who perform mold inspections often utilize air sampling to collect data, which has become commonplace.

Air-Sampling Devices

There are several types of devices used to collect air samples that can be analyzed for mold.  Some common examples include:

  • impaction samplers that use a calibrated air pump to impact spores onto a prepared microscope slide;
  • cassette samplers, which may be of the disposable or one-time-use type, and also employ forced air to impact spores onto a collection media; and
  • airborne-particle collectors that trap spores directly on a culture dish.  These may be utilized to identify the species of mold that has been found.

When and When Not to Sample

Samples are generally best taken if visual, non-invasive examination reveals apparent mold growth or conditions that could lead to growth, such as moisture intrusion or water damage.  Musty odors can also be a sign of mold growth.  If no sign of mold or potential for mold is apparent, one or two indoor air samples can still be taken, at the discretion of the inspector and client, in the most lived-in room of the house and at the HVAC unit.

Outdoor air samples are also typically taken as a control for comparison to indoor samples.  Two samples — one from the windward side and one from the leeward side of the house — will help provide a more complete picture of what is in the air that may be entering the house through windows and doors at times when they are open.  It is best to take the outdoor samples as close together in time as possible to the indoor samples that they will be compared with.

InterNACHI inspectors should avoid taking samples [unless qualified] if a resident of the house is under a physician’s care for mold exposure, if there is litigation in progress related to mold on the premises, or if the inspector’s health or safety could be compromised in obtaining the sample.

Where to Sample and Ideal Conditions

In any areas of a house suspected or confirmed to have mold growth, air samples can be taken to help verify and gather more information.  Moisture intrusion, water damage, musty odors, apparent mold growth, or conditions conducive to mold growth are all common reasons to gather an air sample.  Samples should be taken near the center of the room, with the collection device positioned 3 to 6 feet off the ground. 

Ten minutes is an adequate amount of time for the air pump to run while taking samples, but this can be reduced to around five minutes if there is a concern that air movement from a lot of indoor activity could alter the results.  The sampling time can be reduced further if there is an active source of dust, such as from ongoing construction.

Sampling should take place in livable spaces within the house under closed conditions in order to help stabilize the air and allow for reproducibility of the sampling and measurement.  While the sample is being collected, windows and exterior doors should be kept shut other than for normal entry and exit from the home.  It is best to have air exchangers (other than a furnace) or fans that exchange indoor-outdoor air switched off during sampling.

Weather conditions can be an important factor in gathering accurate data. Severe thunderstorms or unusually high winds can affect the sampling and analysis results.  High winds or rapid changes in barometric pressure increase the difference in air pressure between the interior and exterior, which can increase the variability of airborne mold-spore concentration.  Large differences in air pressure between the interior and exterior can cause more airborne spores to be sucked inside, skewing the results of the sample.

Difficulties and Practicality of Air Sampling

It is helpful to think of air sampling as just one tool in the tool belt when inspecting a house for mold problems.  An air sample alone is not enough to confirm or refute the existence of a problem, and such testing needs to be accompanied by visual inspection and other methods of data collection, such as a surface sample.  Indoor airborne spore levels can vary according to several factors, and this can lead to skewed results if care is not taken to set up the sampling correctly.  Also, since only spores are collected with an air sample and may actually be damaged during collection, identification of the mold type can be more difficult than with a sample collected with tape or a cultured sample. 

Air samples are good for use as a background screen to ensure that there isn’t a large source of mold not yet found somewhere in a home.  This is because they can detect long chains of spores that are still intact.  These chains normally break apart quickly as they travel through the air, so a sample that reveals intact chains can indicate that there is mold nearby, possibly undiscovered during other tests and visual examination.

In summary, when taken under controlled conditions and properly analyzed, air samples for mold are helpful in comparing relative particle levels between a problem and a control area.  They can also be crucial for comparing particle levels and air quality in an area before and after mold remediation.
by Nick Gromicko, CMI® and Ethan Ward